Wednesday, November 28, 2007

So. Smokers. (This goes out to you, Smoking Government People 'n' Friends!)

I do not like public smoking. I know I have friends who do it (one of them is likely going to respond to this post) but, in all honesty, they shouldn't. It's really dangerous for the people around them who don't want to inhale it. They have the luxury of a filter, while the other folks outdoors have to inhale the smoke in all its carcinogenic glory. While smoking should be legal, it should be restricted to places where people who do not want to inhale it do not have to. This includes the home: if kids can't smoke, or don't want to smoke, parents should be required to abstain from smoking around their kids. As soon as those kids turn 18, if they do not like the cigarette smoke, the kids have to move. They're legally allowed to now, but the parents are still paying for it.
There should be out-of-the-way, contained, smoking areas for them to congregate. The smokers get to have their fix, and the non-smokers don't have to breathe it. If it just smelled bad, I wouldn't worry about it. The fact of the matter is that second-hand smoke is really harmful and can seriously damage people exposed to it enough.
Basically, people should only be allowed to smoke around adults who don't mind cigarette smoke.


Rev. Lindsay said...

I have no idea what you're talking about.

Haus said...

Oh yeah? Well I have no idea what you are talking about.

Rev. Lindsay said...

Do you ever? :P

Haus said...

When you dumb it down enough for me.....

Haus said...

Nice timestamp, by the way.

Rev. Lindsay said...

I don't participate. Do you?

sdlusk said...

(Told you I would use this as my last assignment. You know it's said with love!)

Criticism of Mr. Hausmann:

As requested, I'll keep this short.
As a smoker, I have a few beefs with his editorial.

First, I do not agree completely with him about the dangers of second hand smoke when outside. I am fully aware of the dangers posed by smoking and second hand smoke. However, I did a bit of research on this and found that my common sense prevailed-- second hand smoke from walking past someone on the street is so minute that is poses no significant danger. To be affected by second hand smoke someone must be in smoke filled environments for long periods of time such as, going to smoke filled bars and restaurants every night or living with a smoker, etc...

Second, his statement that smoking should be restricted, "This includes the home" is egregious! While I do agree that it is not safe for parents to smoke around their children, imposing restrictions in the home is both a waste of time and a violation of privacy. This is just a ridiculous notion.

Third, out of the way, contained, smoking areas for us to 'congregate' are already in place. Our campus does not permit smoking within 15 feet of the buildings. Most cities already have smoking bans which do not permit smoking inside, on patios or within 15 feet of doorways of restaurants, bars, and public buildings. New York City is trying to pass laws prohibiting smoking while walking down the sidewalk.

Finally, I pay more in taxes on a pack of cigarettes than I do on a bottle of vodka BUT alcohol is the number one killer in the nation!

I am an adult and I choose to smoke.
I choose to abide by the laws in place that protect non-smokers.
I choose to pay 'Sin' taxes.
I choose not to litter my environment.
I choose not to smoke around those who object.

If Mr. Hausmann feels so strongly about this, he can choose not to put himself in environments where those around him are allowed to "inhale the smoke in all its carcinogenic glory".