Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Giuliani + abortion = 180.

I'm pretty sure that it's common knowledge by know that Rudy Giuliani isn't exactly the most conservative Republican out there, in favor of both abortion and gun control. I've often wondered what makes him a Republican, considering that he sides with the Democrats on two issues that people get really angry about, but that's a topic for another time. One of Giuliani's supporters decided that it was a really good idea to make all of Guiliani's supporters look like morons, and said that if the mayor were in Congress he'd be pro-life. This is a scary statement: it either demonstrates idiocy or duplicity, and I like to believe that my fellow Republicans are, on the whole, pretty free from these qualities.
Steve Benen at The Carpetbagger Report made a post about this story, and I think he hit the nail on the head. It's ridiculous to try to change your stance (a pretty radical one, if I say so myself) on such a sensitive issue so suddenly. He didn't just say, "it isn't my place to say what a woman can and can not do with her body" and leave it at that, he was in favor of partial-birth and state-funded abortions. Benen posted videos of him voicing support for these positions.
I'm not saying that being pro-choice automatically makes Giuliani a Democrat, or even that it would be a deal-breaker for most Republicans. But for a candidate who's supposed to be conservative, state funding of a procedure that flies in the face of the Republican Party platform is pretty... well, pretty liberal. I think Republicans would do well to swallow their pride and call Rudy on it. If nothing else, it would get some respect from Democrats: they jumped on John Kerry's "flip-flop", but they should also jump on Rudy Giuliani's. They aren't being partisan, they're criticizing willful inconsistency. They would demonstrate the confidence to be able to transcend party lines and be the objective voice of reason.

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