Monday, October 15, 2007

Immigrants: learn English. Americans: put up with bad English.

To succeed in America requires some understanding of English. Why, then, do some people just refuse to learn it? I'm not saying that it's an easy language (far from it, actually) but putting forth no effort is foolish and arrogant. If I were going to live in, say, Japan, I'd work on my Japanese. Even though gaining fluency in a language is difficult, learning enough phrases to survive is easy. Anyone can learn "where is the bathroom." If you enter a country, it's a sign of respect to try to assimilate. After all, you're already using the protections and benefits granted to you. Plus, why wouldn't you want to? You can't even find your way around when all the signs are in a language you don't understand.
However, while we must expect the immigrants to do their best to learn English, we must be supportive. It makes me very mad to see somebody trying their best to express himself in an extremely foreign tongue while his audience acts much more frustrated than they actually are. It's unfair to be discouraging, and it hurts in the long run. If somebody isn't speaking English well, but still speaking it, it's practice. How would you like it if every time you missed an answer on a test, the teacher mercilessly made fun of you? You wouldn't be willing to try to learn the material, now would you?
I'm not asking for flawless English or even GOOD English. I'm just asking for effort from those who don't speak it and understanding from those who do.

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